Welcome to the land of sun, sea, sand, accident and emergency, forest fires, droughts, snakes, cockroaches the size of cricket balls and some of the most wonderful experiences you’ll ever have in your life. Whether you are reading this as a Brit thinking of making the move to Spain, someone already living here or one of those thousands who are just wishing their lives away living on one day isle ( ‘one day I’ll..’) then hopefully something in this blog will resonate and either propel you towards Spain or alternatively send you rushing back to pull your tog 15 summer duvet back over your head and endure ANOTHER endless UK summer of stygian grey gloom. On one of those very typical English mornings in 2018, end of May, four degrees, raining, the dog and I struggled to complete our morning’s squelch around the local waterlogged cricket pitch thanks to the slidy, slimy mud pools. On clambering back into the streaming 4 x 4, our eyes met in the rear view mirror. Her expression said it all.
For fucks sake, Dad, why did you choose this shitty place to live?
Truth be told of course like everyone else, I didn’t choose where I was born or grew up. I was guilty however of choosing to endure, to remain and to resist change which was long overdue in just about every facet of my life. Nothing like the inescapable, piercing gaze of a German Shepherd’s brown eyes to halt procrastination in its tracks. So began the journey to go from occasional Spain tourist to full – on resident, from aspiring start-up businessman AGAIN through to running a business that would provide an income.. How I laugh five years later. You? You’ll just have to read on!
If you are considering moving to Spain, the subscribe immediately – you’ll not want to miss a blog post! Even if you’d just like to check in and find out how we are getting on, five years into our ‘project’ – then hit the ‘subscribe’ button now!